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Re: Moderation experiment almost over; "put up or shut up"

Adam Back wrote:
> Igor Chudov <ichudov@algebra.com> writes:
> > so we have myself, Jim Choate, and you who colunteer to host
> > mailing lists for the distributed cypherpunks.
> > 
> > I have already created majordomo@algebra.com and cypherpunks@algebra.com.
> > 
> > We can coordinate our efforts. Actually, we can even have a mini
> > mailing list for people who want to participate in the distributed
> > cypherpunks experiment. If there is any interest, I can create such 
> > a list.
> Please do.

The list is called cypherpunks-hosts@algebra.com. 

Use majordomo@algebra.com to sub-scri-be.

	- Igor.