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Network of majordomos (fwd)
Forwarded message:
> Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 13:09:22 -0800
> From: Greg Broiles <gbroiles@netbox.com>
> Subject: Network of majordomos
> I still think you're just rediscovering Usenet technology. Instead of
> installing Majordomo, why not install INN, pass traffic as newsgroup(s) (if
> you don't like alt.cypherpunks, you could simply start your own top-level
> cpunks group(s)), and leave your NNTP port(s) open (or read-only, if you're
> an evil CIA brain-stealing censor) so that cpunks at large could connect with
> newsreaders or their own servers and send/rcv newsgroup traffic? Many cpunks
> could do this (instead of using Majordomo) locally, connecting to each other
> to achieve wide propagation and low latency.
> And, if you must, run mail-to-news gateway(s) which send the newsgroup to
> people who want it as E-mail.
> Usenet technology does exactly what you're describing: it's a distributed
> database of messages designed to facilitate each server getting its own copy
> of every message, and holding it locally for distribution to interested
> readers. Other people have been kind enough to write, debug, and document the
> software - all you have to do is install it. This could be running tonight.
Did you get it running last nite Greg? When do you expect to be able to
handle traffic?
Jim Choate