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Re: Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer
Jim Choate <ravage@EINSTEIN.ssz.com> writes:
> Hi,
> We have established the first link between cypherpunks@ssz.com and
> cypherpunks@algebra.com. Testing will continue for about 24 hours and we
> hope to have the link going two-way within a couple of days.
> If testing proceeds at the current pace we should be ready to go for a 3-way
> link if anyone will be ready this weekend. If we can get a 3-way going we
> should be ready for prime time.
I suggest getting in touch with Lance Cottrell (loki@Cyberpass.net)
ASAP and coordinating with him as he has the facilities to host the
entire list, but desires the distributed approach. He is currently
gating Cypherpunks-unedited@toad.com to subscribers of
cypherpunks@Cyberpass.net. He would make an excellent third link in
the chain and seems to be willing.
Furthermore, he has also indicated that he is eventually interested in
gating back and forth to the newly created and already-active
alt.cypherpunks. He needs help and information on just how to do
that, though. This would complete the circle, syncing all the
available routes to cypherpunks. All will benefit by having the
choice of mail-filters and/or newsreading facilities to experience the
unfiltered/unedited/unstoppable list.
Hope the experiments prove sturdy and wish all best of luck.
Omegaman <mailto:omegam@cmq.com>
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