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Re: Remailer Network Under Attack

> Given the variety of addresses being "spam baited", the only logical
> target of this abuse is the remailers themselves.  Both sides of
> certain heated controversies report being made the target of this
> spam bait, each side accusing the other of being responsible.

    Allegations of responsibility are a serious charge and should
be looked into immediately.

     GOOD GUYS AND BAD GUYS, circa 12/95

     There are two kinds of people in the world.  Those that divide
people into two kinds and those that don't.

     With that in mind, I present to you the following over

     There are two kinds of people in the world, the good guys and the
bad guys.

     The good guys speak with the Voice of Truth, and the bad guys
speak with the Voice of Lies.

     I believe that anonymity is the foundation of freedom in the
known universe.  Anonymity is the ability to speak either the voice of
truth or the voice of lies without anyone knowing who you are.

     Accountability is the opposite of Anonymity.  Accountability
means that everyone knows who said what and can take them to task for

     Both sides can use force to silence the other side, but usually
its the bad guys who use force to silence the good guys, good guys use
more voice of Truth to expose the bad guys.
     Although some would claim that in general accountability is a
good thing, I would point out that ALL members of the controlling
party of the emerging police state are adamantly FOR absolute
accountability at all times for all their citizens.  That should give
one pause to wonder.

     Anonymity is actually very hard to maintain, and absolute
anonymity for all people at all times is very difficult indeed.

     Therefore by observation a society or oganization is usually
operating at some gradient scale of anonymity between the extremes of
total anonymity and total non anonymity.

     It can come to pass that certain gradient levels of anonymity end
up benefitting the bad guys more than the good guys.  In these
situations, the bad guys tend to start winning and the good guys
perceive that the bad guys are winning BECAUSE of anonymity.

     Rather than use the weapon of anonymity themselves to protect
against the bad guys, the usual convulsive reaction on the part of the
good guys is to try and close down the channels of anonymity to keep
the bad guys located and corralled, rather than to open up the
channels more and use it themselves.  This does not occur to them, or
if it does they are beset with visions of the bad guys getting away
with more than they are now.

     The logic for closing down the channels of anonymity goes
something like this.  Since our country is ruled by an Omni
Intelligent and Omni Beneficent God King, if we can track every
communication down to the person who said it, the God King will be
able to tell the good guys from the bad guys, and silence the bad guys
for us.

     The problem with this logic is that our country is not run by a
God King, but by human beings who tend to elect each other into power
based on outrageous criteria.

     As the bad guys see themselves getting corraled with
accountability, they simply run for office and get themselves elected
into the positions of power where THEY are the ones taking action
against the bad guys.  Of course they take action against the good
guys instead.

     It is for this reason that the temptation to tighten
accountability when anonymity is abused is always an error and leads
to a terrible trap worse than any tar pit.  Namely only the bad guys
get to speak, and the good guys get to remain silent fearing for their
     Which is why when the police ask if you have something to hide
after you have refused to let them spot search your belongings, you
must always say, "Of course, I have EVERYTHING to hide.  FROM YOU!"

     Anyhow as an ISP it is my job to provide the channels of
communication between people.  That's what I do, I provide the
CHANNEL.  This includes standard accountable channels and not so
standard anonymous channels.

     People who communicate with each other tend to get into fights
with each other over what they are communicating about.  Usually they
take their fights out on each other.  But when anonymous channels are
used, they can't get to each other, they don't know who each other is,
so they take it out on the provider of the channel instead.  That's
     It's enough to make you want to throw anonymity in the waste

     Providing a communication channel is a difficult job, it usually
involves a precarious balance between allowing the good guys to speak
and making sure the bad guys don't get away with the gold.

     It is very hard to maintain that balance with both sides pulling
and tugging on you because they can't pull and tug on each other.

     One of the main purposes of the Subscriber Agreement is to make
sure that people pull and tug on each other, and leave me out of it
even if they got no one to target at the other end.
