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Re: Fuck UseNet


Toto <toto@sk.sympatico.ca> reminds me while I've killfiled him:
>   So, basically, you're saying that the flight from censorship should
> be toward a new CypherPunk 'home' where one is effectively censored
> automatically unless one kisses the ass of a Cabal?

Yup. You're begging resources, deal with it. We didn't kiss John
Gillmore's ass, and he decided that he was tired of the shit and
stopped letting us squat on his land. If we were paying him for the
use of toad, he maybe wouldn't have the right to yank it so suddenly,
but we weren't, so it's his call. Same with usenet. The "cabal" has
high reputation capital. News admins the world over trust them. One
might say that they deserve the respect they get, but that is
immaterial to the discussion. the fact is that people who donate
resources to usenet trust the cabal.

Unless you have a contractual relationship, you're begging, and you
have to convince your benefactors to give you stuff. If you have a
different model for a world economy, feel free to post it. 


"standing on top of the world/ never knew how you never could/ never knew
 why you never could live/ innocent life that everyone did" -Wormhole

PS. Of course, the cabal didn't rmgroup alt.cypherpunks, thus showing
that they do have some good sence yet.
Version: 2.6.2
