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Re: Private property & the cypherpunks list(s) (fwd)

Declan McCullagh allegedly said:
> On Fri, 14 Feb 1997, Jim Choate wrote:
> > I am taking intellectual property rights from nobody. If anything I am
> > giving unlimited intellectual rights to the material to humankind for
> > posterity. Sorta cypherpunkish, don't you think?
> I am amused by this. Jim's plan sounds much less cypherpunkish than
> collectivist. Communal property, ho!
> After all, workers have nothing to lose in this revolution but their
> chains. They have a world to gain. Workers of the world, unite! 

Ad hominems are so much fun, eh?

Kent Crispin				"No reason to get excited",
kent@songbird.com,kc@llnl.gov		the thief he kindly spoke...
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