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Re: Moderation experiment almost over; "put up or shut up"
Against Moderation wrote:
> aga <aga@dhp.com> writes:
> > > > ... Remember the previous cypherpunk who stated that the
> > > > gays "created and run usenet."
> > ...
> > It was on the list last month, and the person was serious and correct.
> > That is exactly why we must now kill all of usenet as it stands, for
> > a new heterosexual beginning.
> >
> > ... We are here to
> > "rip new assholes" in the faggots who have ruined the net thus far,
> > and to take over and make this net heterosexual oriented.
> So if I follow your argument, gays created and run usenet, and have
> also ruined it thus far. Can you just clarify a few points? I'm
> trying to follow your premise here [which I don't necessarily
> believe], and it seems contradictory.
> * If gays ruined usenet, does that mean at one point usenet was a
> good thing before it was ruined? If so, gay people at least
> deserve credit for creating something good, even if they didn't
> manage to run it well.
Some say, in fact, that Internet and USENET have been created by Dr.
> I just don't understand whom you are fighting over what and why.
- Igor.