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Re: Dave Hayes takes over Cypherpunks
On Fri, 14 Feb 1997, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 97 22:30:27 EST
> From: "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv@bwalk.dm.com>
> Reply-To: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org
> To: cypherpunks@toad.com, freedom-knights@jetcafe.org
> Subject: Re: Dave Hayes takes over Cypherpunks
> Toto <toto@sk.sympatico.ca> writes:
> > aga wrote:
> > > How about that we require everybody to state their sex and sexual
> > > orientation in the future, so we have no future problems.
> > > I am a "Male Heterosexual" -- what about the rest of you?
> > > If you refuse to answer, you are presumed to be a gay boy who
> > > is hiding it.
> >
> > I am a "Male, Cross-Dressing Heterosexual."
> I'm a male heterosexual.
> Cocksucker John Gilmore is a faggot. So is his boss Bobby Inman from NSA.
Now wait a minute. You mean the National Security Agency?
If so, then Inman is probably not a faggot. The military runs
that and they do not take faggots. NSA is where I got my Top
Secret Crypto clearance from back in 1967. Back then, all "crypto"
involved was the changing of about 28 wires each day in the old KL-7.
I remember the G2 government investigator asking me if I had ever had
any homosexual relationships. Homosexuals are taboo as far as
clearances are concerned, because they are considered to be "at risk"
characters from the get-go.
> John Gilmore is a U.S.Government shill out to suck resources into
> fruitless flame war and to sabotage our efforts to deploy crypto.
"shill?" -- shit, I am going to have to get my dictionary out.
> What about Timmy May and Eric Hughes? Are they faggots in U.S.G.
> employ or mere mindless dupes?
If these guys are faggots, they must not be working for the U.S. Govt.
Federal policy does not grant Top Secret or above clearances to
homosexuals, I do believe. At least the military doesn't.
But the question here is, are they really faggots?
Let's see how they answer that. And remember, under our new protocol,
if you do not answer and say you are heterosexual, you are a -default-
faggot. I want to hear what Peter Berger says.