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Why faggots need eliminated from power

On 15 Feb 1997, Against Moderation wrote:

> Date: 15 Feb 1997 06:02:43 -0000
> From: Against Moderation <antimod@nym.alias.net>
> Reply-To: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org
> To: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org
> Cc: cypherpunks@toad.com, ichudov@algebra.com, dlv@bwalk.dm.com
> Subject: Re: Moderation experiment almost over; "put up or shut up"
> aga <aga@dhp.com> writes:
> > > > ...  Remember the previous cypherpunk who stated that the
> > > > gays "created and run usenet."
> > ...
> > It was on the list last month, and the person was serious and correct.
> > That is exactly why we must now kill all of usenet as it stands, for
> > a new heterosexual beginning.
> >
> > ...  We are here to
> > "rip new assholes" in the faggots who have ruined the net thus far,
> > and to take over and make this net heterosexual oriented.
> So if I follow your argument, gays created and run usenet, and have
> also ruined it thus far. 

Right, like O'Donnel or whatever his name is. The faggot at AOL.

 Can you just clarify a few points?  I'm
> trying to follow your premise here [which I don't necessarily
> believe], and it seems contradictory.
>   * If gays ruined usenet, does that mean at one point usenet was a
>     good thing before it was ruined?  

It may have been; but that was at least more than 5 years ago.
Usenet has been ruined ever since David Lawrence took over from
Spafford.  They took over because they knew how to program in UNIX,
big deal.  The world has now all changed.

If so, gay people at least
>     deserve credit for creating something good, even if they didn't
>     manage to run it well.

O.K. fine, but the current system is broken, and that includes David
Lawrence and Chris Lewis and the INN conspiracy forged by Dave Barr
and his little boy partner Tim Skirvin, as well as the BOFH assholes
Peter da Silva and P.J. Falk.   And the crazy cabal.cunt Windigo
Ferral has been running all over making spurious complaints to all
kinds of postmasters, and the assholes just go on and on......

This is all based upon some homosexuals having positions of power
where they should not.  It is an admirable goal to kill the current

>   * If Usenet was created and ruined by terrible people, what exactly
>     is your interest in it?  

It is public property and we are the public.  The public majority is
heterosexual, and the ruling alpha male must also be same.

>     Why don't you just create an alternate
>     news network.  You can easily do this using software these gay
>     people have so graciously given you the source for, and then you
>     could be the authority over the entire heterosexual news
>     hierarchy.

Nobody has given me anything.  I invent the tools that we need to
kill the current system.  The mother of all tools is the lawsuit,
but it is to be used only when necessary.

>   * If people you consider gay can't hold any position of authority on
>     the internet, why do you acknowledge their authority by trying to
>     fight them in particular?  

"can't" means should not, and Peter Berger is an example of a faggot
who needs eliminated from his job.  He is a dangerous and censorous
person, and a very queer faggot.  Just an example of the many queers
that need removed.

I mean, what authority do these gay
>     people have over a gay, ruined usenet that's so important you need
>     to rip new assholes in them?

"ripping a new asshole" is just a phrase from the streets.
It has nothing to do with actual anuses or copulation whatsoever.

> I just don't understand whom you are fighting over what and why.

The cabal.UUNET.BOFH.faggots

Why?  Because I am a heterosexual alpha male, and it needs done.

Faggots are VERY pink, and Dobbs does not like faggots.