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Re: Dave Hayes takes over Cypherpunks
Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> Toto <toto@sk.sympatico.ca> writes:
> > aga wrote:
> > > How about that we require everybody to state their sex and sexual
> > > orientation in the future, so we have no future problems.
> > > I am a "Male Heterosexual" -- what about the rest of you?
> > > If you refuse to answer, you are presumed to be a gay boy who
> > > is hiding it.
> Cocksucker John Gilmore is a faggot. So is his boss Bobby Inman from NSA.
> John Gilmore is a U.S.Government shill out to suck resources into
> fruitless flame war and to sabotage our efforts to deploy crypto.
Remember when Bush barfed on the Japanese guys? I thought Inman's
performance on TV after losing the nomination was even more
When Inman was first nominated, I was reading about it in the L.A.
Times they provide at McDonalds, while waiting patiently in line for
the great American meal. When I saw who it was, I pulled out my
165 mb pocket computer and looked him up, and showed everyone else
who were standing in line who this guy really was. The reaction
in that line alone was a good predictor of what was to come for
the "admiral". Hopefully some day the EFF putzes will come to an
equally glorious end.