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Re: [Declan McCullagh: "A List Goes Down In Flames," from Netly]

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> Toto <toto@sk.sympatico.ca> writes:
> > Omegaman wrote:
> >   Did anyone notice the 'pun' in Declan's subject header?
> >   "A List Goes Down In FLAMES"
> >   Did Declan notice it?
> >   My theory is that the news/press that we consume from our media-feeders
> > starts around a 'catchy' headline, from which the press then builds a
> > story to highlight their puns.

> The whole list?
> Or just Gilmore goes down on Sandfart and Sandart goes down on Parekh
> and Parekh goes down on Gilmore - like a daisy chain?

Just look at the farce they called "the O.J. case", or how about all
those pretty logos they displayed every night on TV for "the Gulf War".

I can't wait until they get ahold of this one, and tell (er,
it back to us as "news".

BTW, did you ever try (recently) to resuscrive to any of the c-punks
lists, just for fun (hee hee)?  Be interesting to know if Gilmore's
computers have time to screen that out with all the other processes
they must be crunching.

BTW2, in the current issue of WWWiz, one of the columnists printed
my semi-lengthy article on the history of PC's.  Check it out at