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Re: Welcome
> Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 10:39:28 GMT
> From: List-Owner <nobody@diacenter.org>
> Subject: Welcome
> Reply-to: cypherpunks@toad.com
> Welcome to Dia's Press Releases mailing list.
> You will be sent press releases about Dia's exhibitions and other programs.
> If you have questions or would like to request more press information, please
> contact Jennie Prebor at jennie@diacenter.org or (212) 989-5566 x 118.
> If you would like to stop receiving mailings, please send an email to list-owner@diacenter.org with the subject line "Remove me from Dia News."
> PLEASE NOTE: You may receive more than one message indicating a succesful subscription. If you joined more than one of Dia's mailing lists, you will receive one message for each list you joined.
> Thank you for your interest in Dia Center for the Arts.
> Dia Center for the Arts
> 548 West 22nd Street
> New York, NY 10011
> http://www.diacenter.org
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Welcome to Dia's Press Releases mailing list.
You will be sent press releases about Dia's exhibitions and other
If you have questions or would like to request more press information,
please contact Jennie Prebor at jennie@diacenter.org or (212) 989-5566
x 118.
If you would like to stop receiving mailings, please send an email to
list-owner@diacenter.org with the subject line "Remove me from Dia
PLEASE NOTE: You may receive more than one message indicating a
succesful subscription. If you joined more than one of Dia's mailing
lists, you will receive one message for each list you joined.
Thank you for your interest in Dia Center for the Arts.
Dia Center for the Arts
548 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 10011