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Re: More on digital postage
On Sat, 15 Feb 1997 Dale Thorn wrote:
> jim bell wrote:
> > But having an address, and a walkway, and a doorbell is generally considered
> > if not explicit permission, but at least toleration of the idea that
> > somebody can walk up and knock on the door, etc. Having a telephone with a
> > number that anyone can dial is going to result in some level of intrusion.
> > Having a fax machine is a similar issue, unless technology provides a way to
> > block unwanted faxes.
> There are some neato methods to deal with the door and the phone,
> but I haven't investigated faxes since I don't run one at home.
Boring but it works: There are plenty of fax-to-PC programs out
there. Anyone can save *lots* of trees by viewing faxes on the
screen before printing the useful page(s). Yes, I know, this means
human intervention, but so does crumpling up the ***BUY NOW***
garbage, tossing it at the recycle bin, missing, cursing, etc.
Here in Canada, the CRTC (Canadian Radio & Telecomms Commission) put
out rules limiting the time of day, etc. for phone spam (voice or
fax). Does anyone out there have the specifics of the CRTC regs?
Cynthia H. Brown, P.Eng.
E-mail: cynthb@iosphere.net | PGP Key: See Home Page
Home Page: http://www.iosphere.net/~cynthb/
Junk mail will be ignored in the order in which it is received.
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