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Cypherpunks FAQ
On Sun, 16 Feb 1997, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> Date: Sun, 16 Feb 1997 10:40:15 -0600 (CST)
> From: "Igor Chudov @ home" <ichudov@algebra.com>
> Reply-To: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org
> To: aga <aga@dhp.com>
> Cc: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org
> Subject: Re: Moderation experiment almost over; "put up or shut up"
> aga wrote:
> > I have mail.cypherpunks though, and I thought that was
> > the usenet newsgroup for cypherpunks.
> >
> > let's see what dejanews says about this one.
> >
> > How about every posting to alt.underground for the time being,
> > until we get this matter settled?
> >
> John,
> I think that you would be the best author for writing the official
> alt.cypherpunks FAQ. I have no doubt that many readers will appreciate
> your effort and it will win you a lot of new points with them.
> One thing is, you have a lot of ideas, and two, your writing style is
> very good (you are a law doctor after all).
> The FAQ should not be necessarily very big.
> - Igor.
But I have never been on the cypherpunks mailing list.
I only got involved because they were in the header of
some F-K list mail.
And I think that Dr. Vulis would be much better qualified than
I would be. My Doctorate was in Law, but Dimitri did his in
math and/or cryptography, which is more appropriate.
All I can say is that it should be a list where everybody is
required to state their sex and sexual orientation up front.
And the rule MUST BE that you are a queer by default.
We MUST have a correct sexual definition up front, and nobody
is allowed to say, "I refuse to state my sexuality" because we
then know that they are closet homosexuals.
what we want is the truth up front.
BTW, all five of the newsgroups in this header are available
through dejanews for posting to, if you use them in the current order.
the a.g.g. newsgroup ate dejanews gets your article posted to ANY
other newsgroup, including alt.cypherpunks and cypherpunks.cunt