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Re: MagicMoney

On Sun, 16 Feb 1997, hjk wrote:

> I finally got a copy of MagicMoney (from ftp://utopia.hacktic.nl).
> It is just the code (compiling without error), but there is no README or
> documentation at all.Can someone give me a hint,what to do with this
> package? Is there a documentation somesite?

All the documentation that came with my copy is at 


That was enough for me to set it up and play with it a couple of years 

	Mark "Not Pr0duct Cypher" Grant

|Mark Grant M.A., U.L.C.	  	       EMAIL: mark@unicorn.com  |
|WWW: http://www.unicorn.com/	  	       MAILBOT: bot@unicorn.com	|