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Telecom Frequently Asked Questions File - 1997 Edition [fwd]

  From: David Leibold <djcl@interlog.com>
  To: Telecom Digest <ptownson@massis.lcs.mit.edu>
  Subject: Telecom Digest FAQ - revised edition

TELECOM Digest - Frequently Asked Questions - v.8           8 February 1997

* Frequency of Updates: approximately annual (special updates are possible)

* FAQ contributions to: Telecom.FAQ@superctl.tor250.org
                        or, dleibold@else.net
                        or, aa070@freenet.toronto.on.ca


This is a list of frequently asked questions made in the TELECOM Digest.
New versions of the list are occasionally made available to deal with new,
corrected or updated questions. Many contributors have made the FAQ what
it is today (those listed in the "Who contributed to this FAQ?" question
are hereby thanked).

Check the Archives...

Much of the telecom information that is requested can be found in the
TELECOM Digest Home Page, via WWW at:


This web page should have links to this FAQ file, as well as various
informational files on telecom subjects and the Digest itself. The
Archives for TELECOM Digest should also be available via the Home Page.

The TELECOM Digest Archives are also available through anonymous FTP at
massis.lcs.mit.edu (login as anonymous, mail address for password, cd to
telecom-archives). If possible, try to access the information via the
TELECOM Digest Home Page first. You can also access the Archives using
anonymous ftp at the mirror site: ftp.epix.net/pub/telecom-archives.

Also, there is an email <--> ftp service operating called the Telecom
Archives Email Information Service. Anything in the archives can be
obtained automatically by email. Send mail addressed to:


The subject does not matter. Include no text, sending just a blank
letter. You will get a help file by return mail and should use that
as a guide to ordering stuff by email from the archives.

A list of terms commonly used in TELECOM Digest is contained in a
"Glossary" section on the Home Page or in the Archives.

Try direct inquiries...

Direct netmail requests to persons posting on topics of interest to you may
also be helpful. In fact, doing things "behind the scenes" can be more
productive as the Digest Moderator is frequently swamped with other items.
Future editions of this list could include netmail addresses of contacts for
certain topics (say for ISDN, cellular, area codes/numbering plan, consumer
protection matters, etc.); offers to that end would be appreciated.

Where to contact the FAQ maintainer...

Suggestions for other common questions, or corrections or other amendments
to this file may be made to Telecom.FAQ@superctl.tor250.org (Fido
1:259/730) or dleibold@else.net or aa070@freenet.toronto.on.ca. Note that
any or all of these addresses are subject to change or discontinuance.

This file is updated approximately annually; special updates may be made as
time and circumstances permit.

Disclaimer Type Stuff...

All information herein should be considered subject to correction or
change. No endorsements or promotions of specific products or companies
are intended. Any specific references are made for example only, or in
order to adequately deal with certain subjects.