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Re: The Science Generations, II

My dear fellow:

I suppose you missed the notion that, on the Internet, *some* folks know
that you are a dog.

P.S. You, Dimi, D. Thorn, Dimi, "Nurdane Oskas", Dimi, "Awaken to Me",
Dimi,"World's Youngest Cypherpunk", Dimi, "Andre the Cypherpunk", Dimi, etc.
etc. are to be commended if not appreciated for your efforts in ruining an
amazingly good thing.  See you in alt.baloney.  Incidentally, do you
habitually defecate (FYI, that's "to discharge feces from the bowels") in
your own single-wide? (Son, that's a rhetorical question.)

The very fact that you shamelessly and boneheadedly refuse to keep your head
down after all of the damage that you and your lot have caused (with 1K+
lurkers "looking on") is worthy, certainly, of some serious consideration.

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtagn!

>drose@azstarnet.com wrote:
>> With regard to chemicals, may I suggest a perusal of the PGI and PML lists
>> (respectively, Pyrotechnics Guild Inc. and Pyrotechnics Mailing List)? 
>  Sounds like this is an on-topic post for the 'flames' list.