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Re: Message-Id / mail2news gateways.
At 08:59 PM 2/17/97 -0800, Anil Das wrote:
>1) Please preserver Message-Ids while resending messages.
Yes, this is absolutely crucial if many different systems are going to
cooperatively deal with messages. Message-ID changing is very bad. I sent a
Perl script to Lance (copies to others on request) which can be easily used
as the target of an /etc/aliases entry to gate a mailing list into inews (and
thereby into INN) for processing as a netnews message. (The script preserves
Message-ID.) If we preserve Message-ID's, many sites can have local mail-news
gateways, and we won't (globally) see duplicates.
>2) In response to Igor's query, I would very much like at least
>on of the distributed lists to be set up such that messages sent
>there will *not* be gatewayed to Usenet.
I don't think this is practical - as I understand things, the corpus (bolus?)
of messages will be available to all comers for their own projects, which may
include mail-news gateways, archives, filtered lists, and so forth(*). People
who send messages to the list shouldn't expect that they'll have any
"privacy" in information sent there.
(* Modulo copyright, but apparently the industry standards for copyright
issues are:
1. Ignore them and hope they go away
2. Pretend to seize control over IP rights of everything posted
neither of which works very well or makes any sense, legally speaking.)
For what it's worth, the list has been gated to two public newsgroups -
albeit not in the Big 7 or alt. - for quite some time. If you think your name
isn't on Usenet, and you've been sending messages to the list, think again.
Version: 4.5
Greg Broiles | US crypto export control policy in a nutshell:
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