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Re: Constitution and a Right to Privacy
At 2:51 PM -0500 2/18/97, Vin McLellan wrote:
> Marshall Clow wrote:
>>Let's not start this.... <snip>
>>If we are going to discuss privacy, that's fine.
>>It we are going to discuss abortion, there are better fora.
> Right, Marshall. I was attempting to respond directly to Tim's
>comment, but I too have no desire to let the end of C'punks be yet another
>sinkhole Abortion Debate. Foil at guard. I'll subside and let any riptide
>response roll over me;-).
Then why did you begin an abortion debate?
I made no claims one way or another about abortion, but cited the issue as
the main place the "right to privacy" issue has come to the fore. And I
said I found the argument uncompelling. I did not say I was against
abortion, for abortion, or, for that matter, for or against infanticide.
> (Jeeze! Anyone else feel like these are the Final Days, like when a
>company goes bankrupt, or graduation day or the like?? I hope one of these
>C'punkish alternatives will provide an opportunity for some of the same
>thoughtful and stimulating engagements that toad.com hosted.)
Unsurprisingly, I've gotten some of the messages from folks I often get
when people dislike some post I've made. They go like this:
"Tim, I really like some of your posts. But, Jeez, give it a rest on
foobar! Can't you go back to writing about lahdidah?"
In other words, the reader wishes I would write only about what he or she
is interested in. Well, pay me my consulting rate and I'll do just that.
I've written many thousands of articles over the past 4.5 years...some of
them very long articles, some very short, most of medium length. (I despise
one-line repartee, and I'm glad our list has never fallen into this mode as
so many other lists have.)
I write about what I find interesting. You all know where the Delete key is.
(Of course, a fairly large fraction of my recent posts have been deleted
for you by Sandy, who sends many of my posts to neither the Main list nor
the Flames list. Bet a lot of you didn't know this, did you?)
--Tim May
> Respect to all, pro-choice and pro-life,
> _Vin
Just say "No" to "Big Brother Inside"
We got computers, we're tapping phone lines, I know that that ain't allowed.
Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
tcmay@got.net 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^1398269 | black markets, collapse of governments.
"National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."