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Re: alt.cypherpunks.*, cypherpunks@*.*
Mullen, Patrick wrote:
> alt.cypherpunks.ebonics :-) Sorry, couldn't resist!
> Did I miss any? Name-mangle?
> I also have listed the following alternate list hosts
> cypherpunks@algebra.com
> cypherpunks@cyberpass.net
> cypherpunks@ssz.com
> If anyone has a more complete list of hosts, I'd be happy
> for additions to the list.
Dave Hayes was going to create one:
Dave Hayes wrote:
Dave> To: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org, cypherpunks@toad.com
Dave> Subject: Re: Moderation experiment almost over; "put up or shut up"
Dave> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 12:29:41 -0800
Dave> Sender: owner-cypherpunks@toad.com
Dave> Precedence: bulk
Dave> Ok. I'll "put up".
Dave> If the cypherpunks will have me, -I'll- run the cypherpunks
Dave> list. Those that know me know that I will *not* censor, moderate, or
Dave> otherwise alter the content (other than the stuff majordomo does with
Dave> "resend") of any messages to the list.
and then wrote:
Dave> To: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org
Dave> Cc: dthorn@gte.net (Dale Thorn), ichudov@algebra.com, cypherpunks@toad.com
Dave> Subject: Re: Moderation experiment almost over; "put up or shut up"
Dave> Date: Sun, 16 Feb 1997 13:13:40 -0800
Dave> Kent Crispin writes:
Dave> > Dave is offering a single mailing list, which, while I am sure Dave is
Dave> > a great person, still represents a single point of control and a
Dave> > single point of failure. A distributed mailing list has a potential
Dave> > for being much more robust, and for supporting a wide range of
Dave> > viewpoints.
Dave> I can also offer my participation in the distributed mailing list, if
Dave> that is what it takes to get cypherpunks free of control interests again.
I am not sure if it already exists...
- Igor.