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Re: "cypherpunks is dead..."
Dear Mr. Robert Hettinga,
This is Tsuyoshi Hayashi, one of subscribers of the
cypherpunks list, lives in Yokohama, Japan.
I heard today's your voice on the cypherpunks list. I am
little sad.
I am almost ROM, read-only member... Although I have been
hear for two and a half (wow..) years, I posted only three
(or four...) messages. I am a bad boy.
Sorry. > all
Instead of it, I have gotten many many cripto-concerned
info (such as PGP) which are worth reading (though they
are very difficult for me, both technical and language ;-).
Today I know about cryptography a little. I am working
nearby the cryptographic field in Japan. So I DO want to
say THANKS to all subscribers of the list and the
owner-cypherpunks@toad.com, and the host machine named
toad.com [].
On Wed, 19 Feb 1997 15:37:08 -0500, Robert Hettinga said:
>Anyway, I've learned all these things from many cypherpunks, some still
Yes, me too!
>Because of this list's effect on my life, I have been motivated to start
>the Digital Commerce Society of Boston, to evangelize financial
I found your DCSB list out about a month ago. This list
is also interesting for me. Thanks.
>Next week, I go to FC97 in Anguilla because of the things I've learned on
I did want to go to FC97, but there is a long distance
between Anguilla and Japan... I hope you will post the
summary and/or topics of FC97 to the DCSB. :-)
>[..] cypherpunks is not going to
>die just because the address "cypherpunks@toad.com" ceases to exist. There
>So. In a very real sense, today on cypherpunks is like any other day in the
>life of a creosote bush. It's a big desert, folks. We're the only ones who
# Sorry. Although there are both "creosote" and "bush" in
# my English-Japanese dictionary, I could not understand
# the meaning of "creosote bush". Please teach me it in
# other easy words if you have a time. In English is OK.
# In Japanese is the best. ;-)
Mr. Bob Hettinga and all, doumo arigatou gozaimashita!
# And sorry for my poor English.
In a "Roman Holiday", Audrey Hepburn said,
"By all means, Roman..."
Today I say, "By all means, Cypherpunks..."
- Tsuyoshi Hayashi <take@barrier-free.co.jp>
- PGP public key: http://www.barrier-free.co.jp/take/pgpkey
- (CF 27 34 5B 46 FA 2A 12 D2 4C E3 F7 2A 45 E0 22)
- Barrier Free, Inc. (established on 25 Jan 1996)