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Re: DES search publicity (was Re: Cryptanalysis)

On Wed, 19 Feb 1997, Adam Back wrote:

> Peter Trei <trei@process.com> writes:
> > Bill Stewart <stewarts@ix.netcom.com> writes:
> > > There may be a distributed Internet crack using that approach, 
> > > though DES is still very inefficient on general-purpose computers and 
> > > works better on bit-twiddliing chips.
> > 
> > There's one slowly shaping up, organized by the same people who did 
> > the RC5-48 crack. I'm still rooting for an uncoordinated search, 
> > which is already underway.
> The people who did the RC5-48 crack over on <des-challenge@muffin.org>,
> and <des-pr@mail.des-challenge.xtn.net>, or at least one of them in 
> particular, seems dead set on giving the prize fund 50:50 to the EFF/GNU.  
> I'm having a heck of a time talking him out of it.

http://zero.genx.net/ is going at it as well - and whoever finds the key
gets the prize.

What's wrong with EFF/GNU?

-- Elliot Lee
   http://www.redhat.com/             http://www.linuxexpo.org/