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Re: DES search publicity (was Re: Cryptanalysis)

> Date:          Thu, 20 Feb 1997 19:07:18 -0500 (EST)
> From:          "Mark M." <markm@voicenet.com>
> On Wed, 19 Feb 1997, Adam Back wrote:
> > Have there been any sightings of your code outside the US?
> > 
> > Rumor has it that ftp://ftp.******.com/pub/incoming is a place where
> > things often turn up, but I haven't seen it yet.
> Last time I checked, deskr06i.zip, which I believe is the correct filename,
> was in /pub/incoming.
> Mark

I have not checked this file to see if it is correct.

For the record (which is why I've added coderpunks and 
cryptography), I have never exported cryptographic
software without permission. Everyone to whom I have 
sent DESKR to has positively affirmed that they are 
US/Canadian citizens (or US Green Card holders), 
in the US/Canada, and were aware of, and would abide 
by the ITAR/EAR restrictions. 

The source code and executable are draped in warnings of it's
non-exportability. I have bent over backwards to do due
diligence on this, and am still trying to track down a 
restricted ftp server which, in my (possibly extreme) opinion,
meets my requirements. I have no intention or desire to
be the next poster child for crypto export.

In other words: I disclaim any responsibility for someone
else's exporting DESKR, if that is what this file contains.
Someone else may have knowingly broken the export regs,
but it wasn't me, nor was it done at my request, or with my

Peter Trei