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Dark Times Ahead
Predictions for the Year
1. Encryption without "Key Escrow" will be outlawed. The remailer
network will be shutdown following highly public raids that
result in equipment seizures and prosecution of the remailer
operators using RICO statutes after agents provocateur post
terrorist threats to the Internet.
2. Tobacco companies will cave in to the states on liability for
medical costs and declare bankruptcy. The few remaining small
companies not party to the suits will see themselves targeted
after prices on a pack of cigarettes rises to 1000% of the
current price. Two years from now, cigarettes will be almost
impossible to get and result in smuggling on a scale that dwarfs
cocaine and marijuana trafficing.
3. The NSA's prohibition on domestic surveillance will be lifted
following allegations of massive money laundering via the Internet
and rumors that major American banks have been raided via the
net by Russian mafia.
4. The IRS will go to court to force the National Rifle Association
to turn over its membership lists as the agency audits the books
of the non-profit organization. After obtaining the lists, the
IRS will target the members for special auditing programs.
5. The FBI will direct the implementation of the Digital Telephony
Act after Congress finally caves in and provides the funding. A
new protocol for wiretapping will be implemented as provided for
in the Act that does not allow for judicial review.
6. The Supreme Court will surprise everyone by upholding the
Communications Decency Act in a 5-4 decision. The FBI will stage
widely publicized raids on the most visible adult web sites.
Pan D. Modium
"May you live in interesting times." -- ancient Chinese curse