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Re: CIA Lie

At 01:08 PM 2/23/97 -0500, John Young wrote:
>   While the CIA eventually agreed to expunge Mr. Tsang's file
>   and promised to refrain from opening such files on him in
>   the future, it refused to acknowledge any limitation on its
>   authority to keep files on other Americans. It should do so
>   now.

I received a reply to my FOIA request re cpunks to the CIA; it indicates
that they "doubt" that they have any records responsive to my request, and
think I'd be better served by writing to the FCC. (?!) It's at
<http://www.io.com/~gbroiles/cp-foia/cia-1.html>. I'm going to write back
and ask them to actually comply with FOIA, e.g., look through their files,
instead of just guessing that there probably isn't anything in there. 

Greg Broiles                | US crypto export control policy in a nutshell:
gbroiles@netbox.com         | 
http://www.io.com/~gbroiles | Export jobs, not crypto.