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(Fwd) RC5-56 effort by New Media Laboratories

This came though on the RC5 challenge list. My apologies for those 
who already have seen it.


------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date:          Sat, 22 Feb 1997 15:29:05 +0100
From:          lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at (Otmar Lendl)
To:            challenge@list.ee.ethz.ch
Subject:       RC5-56 effort by New Media Laboratories

Hi all,

I just noticed that New Media Laboratories launched an attack at the RC5/56
challenge. For details see

Just FYI,

/ Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at) # http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/~lendl/  \  
\ Killfiles generate SEP fields. Beware: the CE-Norm does not cover them. /

"The word to kill ain't dirty     | Robert Rothenburg (WlkngOwl@unix.asb.com)
 I used it in the last line       | http://www.asb.com/usr/wlkngowl/
 but use a short word for lovin'  | Se habla PGP:  Reply with the subject
 and dad you wind up doin' time." | 'send pgp-key' for my public key.