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Re: Distributed cracks, law, and cryptoanarchy
Marc Horowitz wrote:
> >> The "you must report results only to the crack organizers" rule can be
> >> enforced if it's made into a contract. Even without a formal contract,
> I don't want to sign a formal contract. I want to break the key. I
> don't care about the money. I can buy a lottery ticket if I want a
> small chance at winning a lot of money.
> I'll participate when I can download something, type make, run it, and
> forget about it.
My feelings EXACTLY. And the same reasoning behind my machine not being
put to work on these DES/RC4 cracking projects. Instead it spends its
off-cycles factoring Merseinne primes - why? Because it's the only
charity I can donate my spare CPU power to, WITHOUT having to sign forms
and other beauracratic garbage.
Vangelis <vangelis@qnis.net> /\oo/\
Finger for public key. PGP KeyID 1024/A558B025
PGP Fingerprint AE E0 BE 68 EE 7B CF 04 02 97 02 86 F0 C7 69 25
Life is my religion, the world is my altar.