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Re: "cypherpunks is dead..."

Bryce wrote:
>  A million monkeys operating under the pseudonym
>  "Tim May <tcmay@got.net>" typed:
> >
> > (Getting PGP integrated into mailers
> > is stil bogged down, for reasons I have to believe have to do with
> > pressures from somewhere, else why would e-mail packages not make PGP
> > support painless?)
> Because PGP's user interface is yucky and its programmer
> interface is even worse.
> Amazing how people don't realize how much certain important
> things depend on such a (deceptively) simple concept as having
> a nice user interface and a nice programmer interface.  In
> contradiction of certain cypherpunk urban legends, I suspect
> that such pedestrian details are far, far more important to
> the course of history than the clumsy and feckless
> machinations of government agencies.
> But for the good news, see the quote from Jim Bidzos in my
> ".plan".
> Regards,
> Zooko, Journeyman Interface Designer
> NOT speaking for any organizations or persons whose names
> might appear in the headers of this message, or who might
> occasionally toss me some spare change in return for my
> brilliant software design work.
> PGP sig follows

check www.querisoft.com for 'SecureFile'. the attachment here explains
the features of SecureFile.

your comments / suggestions are most welcome.

                                            ( O-O )
  Anand Abhyankar                                               
  Querisoft Systems Pvt. Ltd.   Email       : anand@querisoft.com 
  810, Sindh Society, Aundh,    Phone (Off) : 91-212-385925       
  Pune - 411 007. INDIA               (Res) : 91-212-351023
                			  (   )   Oooo.
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