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Look what SPAM I got today [Customers for You !!!]

Hi Cypherpunks.  Long time no lurk.  Too busy defending the right to own 
unregistered guns and getting involved in local politics to dwell on the 
shortfalls of OS/2 PGP shells for PM GUI.  PGP apps for OS/2 sucks!

Anyhow, if you have any comments on the forwarded message, please Cc me.
Is there a limit to spamming?  Is there a way to attach nitroglycerine to an 
e-mail reply? ( I know Jim Bell has a few suggestions about that... :-)

Ciao all


------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date:          Thu, 27 Feb 1997 12:06:09 -0500 (EST)
From:          Quantum Communications <sales@quantumcom.net>
To:            "jctracey@sprynet.com" <jctracey@sprynet.com>
Subject:       Customers for You !!!

Would you like more customers?

Visit http://www.quantcom.com

Everyone knows that the hottest way to find new customers and market your business is via 
direct Email. 

Quantum Communications offers direct Email advertising services, and related marketing 
services, with the following highlights:

 ------> Guaranteed Response Rate! Up to 3% Guaranteed Response.

------> 100% Approved Financing! No Credit Checks!

------> Never Again Get Shut Off By Your ISP! We Offer Flame-Filtering & Free 

------> Targeted Mailings, Using Custom-Built Lists With Your Parameters.

------> 5 Million Recipient Co-op "The Mega-Mailer" is available.

------> Stand-Alone Mailings Available.

------> Wholesale Unlimited Access To Our "Self-Service" SMTP Mail Servers Available.

------> Ad Copy Design & Revision Available.

------> "Floodgate" Bulk E-Mail Software Available.

 Quantum Communications also offers Virtual Servers complete with full POP3 Email accounts 
and domain registration, lists of Email addresses for sale, search engine submissions, 
newsgroup posting announcements, and web page design. 

 Call our Sales Department at (603) 772-4096 for details,
or Visit our website at http://www.quantcom.com You may also send an email to our 
autoresponder: info@quantcom.com or direct specific questions to sales@quantcom.com

Thank you for your time.

------- end of forwarded message ------

Jean-Francois Avon, Pierrefonds(Montreal) QC Canada
 JFA Technologies, R&D consultants.
    physicists, engineers and technologists.
PGP keys at: http://w3.citenet.net/users/jf_avon
        and: http://bs.mit.edu:8001/pks-toplev.html
ID# C58ADD0D  : 529645E8205A8A5E F87CC86FAEFEF891 
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