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Re: 128_bit

John Young offered RSADS/Security Dynamics press release:

> 2-26-97.
> "Security Dynamics Unveils RSA SecurPC 2.0"
>  The package is claimed to the first 128-bit encryption software to 
>  be exported from the US and its territories, and allows companies 
>  to implement "seamless, full-strength encryption" worldwide.

Seems the sales blurb press release from RSADS/Security Dynamics is
misleading, checking out the web page referenced:


  Crypto strength reduced, but
  functionality intact 

  In order to make this ground-breaking
  product available internationally, we have
  applied for and received a Commodity
  Jurisdiction from the US Department of
  Commerce. This means that the strength of
  the cryptography has been reduced from the
  commercial product available in the US and
  Canada in order to comply with
  cryptographic export regulations, but the rest
  of the functionality has been left intact. This
  Trial version of RSA SecurPC uses 40-bit
  RC4 keys and 512-bit RSA keys. For more
  information about the product, see the
  product description page. 

What happened to "the first 128-bit encryption software to be exported
from the US and its territories"?  In reality: more 40 bit cripple-ware.

print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>