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Re: List for discussing many majordomos
Greg Broiles wrote:
> At 06:59 PM 2/11/97 -0600, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> >We can coordinate our efforts. Actually, we can even have a mini
> >mailing list for people who want to participate in the distributed
> >cypherpunks experiment. If there is any interest, I can create such
> >a list.
> Yes, this is a good idea. One of the proponents of the "many majordomos"
> project apparently has plans to impose his own ideas about intellectual
> property on the project, and this seems like a pretty serious thing for a
> setup that's allegedly going to prevent censorship. We need a place to
> discuss this.
I have acreated a mailing list, cypherpunks-hosts@algebra.com, for
people interested in participating in the multi-homed cypherpunks list.
You can subscribe to cypherpunks-hosts by talking to
- Igor.