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Re: Key Security Question

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> Bill Stewart <stewarts@ix.netcom.com> writes:
> > On the other hand, if the "repairman" replaced your pgp executable
> > with version 2.6.3kgb, which uses your hashed passphrase as the
> > session key, you're hosed.  Or if he installed a keystroke sniffer,
> > or added a small radio transmitter to your keyboard, or whatever.
> > Depends on your threat model.  If you need to be paranoid,
> > they've already gotten you....
> If you're really paranoid, you can boot from a clean floppy and
> reinstall everything from your backup tapes. You do have a
> contingency plan in case your hard disk goes bad, or gets a
> virus, don't you? Well, if you're in doubt, exercise it.

And what if the repairman replaces BIOS ROM chips with KGBios?

	- Igor.