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Re: Trigger-Words...


On Wed, 29 Jan 1997, harka@nycmetro.com queried:

> Actually, I might not have chosen the correct words for what I
> wanted...
> I am looking for sniffer-programs, that analyze e-mail traffic on
> the Net and filtering out all e-mails potentially interesting for
> _intelligence services_. For example, I've heard, that if an e-mail
> contains the words: "assassinate President" (DISCLAIMER: I hope, our
> President lives a long and happy life, even after his
> impeachment...:)), it will automatically get filtered and checked
> out by the Secret Service.
> Different intelligence agencies might have similar things in place.
> Where could I get some more information about that?

Many Un*xes (SunOS, Solaris, IRIX, Linux, and probably others) have
included their own versions of sniffers, supposedly for network
debugging. These are typically called something like "tcpdump",
"etherfind", "snoop", etc.

You would need to run a sniffer at a "choke point" of an
organisation, for example the external router to the Internet, to
capture all of the packets to / from that organisation.  Putting a
sniffer on some arbitrary router out there in cloud-land would
probably not be all that productive, since there's no guarantee that
all of the IP packets carrying a given TCP connection would take the
same route. 


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Cynthia H. Brown
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
E-mail:     cynthb@sonetis.com
Home Page:  http://www.sonetis.com/~cynthb/
PGP Key:    See Home Page

Junk mail will be ignored in the order in which it is received.

  It is morally as bad not to care whether a thing
  is true or not, so long as it makes you feel
  good, as it is not to care how you got your money
  as long as you have got it.

        - Edmund Way Teale, "Circle of the Seasons"