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Re: Privacy news: Oakland Cameras, Levi employee files, FileGate


In <[email protected]>, on
05/01/97 at 12:31 PM,
   Paul Bradley <[email protected]> said:

>> Bay Alarm said that some British cities have dealt with privacy fears by
>> setting up monitoring centers away from city and police offices,
>> where tapes are kept in case a crime occurs -- crime victims can call up
>> the police and ask them to play back tapes, said Mark Demier of Bay Alarm.
>> The camera systems are also capable of taking pictures in the dark.

>Not just cities, quite small towns and residential areas have now taken 
>to using citizen-units tax money installing systems to spy on the very 
>same people. I have now taken to not visiting a town near me (Hastings) 
>because of the CCTV systems in place. Not content with spying on citizens 
>going about their business in towns a number of state funded colleges and 
>universities are now installing CCTV systems. Presumably audio "bugs" 
>will also be in order to ensure the student-units do not say anything 
>unseemly or hinting at some form of intellectual heresy.

>Also, a number of car alarm manufacturers are now producing systems to 
>track cars using GPS so if the car is stolen the police can track its 
>movements. I can quite easily envisage a situation in a few years time 
>when it is mandated that all new cars produced must be fitted with such 
>systems so that the government can track the movement of citizens.

>One cannot now go out of ones own house without being monitored, and for 
>those of us who are known heretics maybe even that is not true. 

Well I invision that in 20-30 years all TV's will be two-way (ala 1984) and
any LEA will be able to monitor the activities of the serfs a the push of a

The infrastructure for this is currently being built. With the merging of
technologies: cable, INet, TV, Phone, & Computer all that will be needed is
the adding of a mic and video camera which will more then likely be
standard features of the computer/communication/entertainment equipment.

- -- 
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William H. Geiger III  http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

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