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Re: New Israel


In <[email protected]>, on
05/01/97 at 04:11 PM,
   Gordon <[email protected]> said:

>Oh geez...

>Have you heard about NEW ISRAEL yet? It is a 510 page book
>that addresses one of the primordial obstacles to human life
>and happiness on our planet Earth, the accursed Middle
>Eastern conundrum between the Jews and the Palestinians-
>Arabs-Islamics.  The predicate of NEW  ISRAEL calls for the
>creation of a coexistent, with Israel, New Israel in the
>southern two thirds of the Baja Peninsula, south of
>California, in North America, with immense benefits
>for all of those effected. Faced with an impossible dilemma,
>another choice must be made available. The book explains that new option
>and all the history, difficulties, and
>transgressions, that makes the creation of New Israel
>absolutely necessary.  For more information, including an
>18 page detailed outline of NEW ISRAEL, and the full 41 page
>Preface to NEW ISRAEL - which provides rich details about the reasoning
>and rationale foundation of NEW ISRAEL, visit the NEW ISRAEL website at :

>               http://www.seymourtex.com/newisrael/ni.htm

Yes we have all seen this *CRAP* already Gorden but *THANK YOU* for
reposting this. Say hi to Don Wood for me. :-/

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William H. Geiger III  http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
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