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Re: Business needs over citizen rights

On Thu, 8 May 1997, Tim May wrote:

> It's interesting that in the various recent developments over crypto, the
> needs of business are taking priority over the basic rights of citizens. In
> fact, the debate is being driven by issues of "competitiveness."

Um, what's so interesting about this? That's the way it has always been.

> What these trends add up to is an almost complete disregard for basic,
> fundamental issues of civil liberties and freedom in favor of various
> craftings of laws to advantage some American companies, disadvantage other
> American companies, and manipulate the international competitive scene.

Which social class was primarily responsible for the American war of
Independance? Wasn't the American civil war fought over tarrifs, rather
than slavery? Wasn't Viet Nam one big economic undertaking? 

Tim! Find your shoes and get out once in a while. :)

Are you better of now than you were four years ago? Re-elect the Illuminati!