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Re: Disinformation in L.A.
In <v03007808af9a5e220d18@[]>, on 05/10/97 at 11:23 AM,
Tim May <[email protected]> said:
>At 8:06 AM -0800 5/10/97, William H. Geiger III wrote:
>>Don't forget that they are placing the "Race" card on this one.
>>On the CNN report they showed dummies with features resembling blacks &
>>latinos. The other news agencies have also picked up on this and are
>>mentioning it in their reports. Expect in the next day or two for them to
>>be described as "hatefull white supremist".
>>The only greater crime in America than being a gun owner is being a white
>>gun owner.
>Actually, the "ring leaders" cited prominently were named Yee and Ung, and
>thus appear to be orientals, not whites.
>(Don't forget that during the L.A. riots it was the Koreans who
>prominently were defending themselves and their property with so-called
>"assault weapons" against the coloreds. The main justice that came out of
>those riots was that 30 square blocks of inner L.A. remain burned out and
>unrebuilt, leaving those who rioted and looted with no local stores to
>shop in. And the Koreans are even vastly better armed than before.)
I remember all to well. I was living in Texas at the time and while there
were numerous rummors and speculation that the roits would spread, ala
roits of the 60's, we were quite prepaired to prevent it from spreading to
our "neck of the woods".
>Apropos of this last point, I wouldn't be at all surprised if "Yee" and
>"Ung" turn out to be Koreans interested in defending themselves against
>these hordes of animals.
Hmmm... the reports I heard failed to mention any names.
I wouldn't be suprised if your analysis was correct. The orientals seem to
be quite hated by the inter city blacks as they are a constant reminder
that minorities can thrive and prosper in America (the only color that
really matters here is green dispite what some would have you think).
- --
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William H. Geiger III http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0
Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
Finger [email protected] for PGP Key and other info
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