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Re: War & InfoWar


In <[email protected]>, on 05/10/97 at 09:15 PM,
   TruthMonger <[email protected]> said:

>  Given the wide knowledge of the OK city Federal Building being a known
>target of anti-government forces, I think the placing of a daycare center
>there was the equivalent of military forces who cowardly advance with
>women and children in front of them. (And there are ample examples of this
>in history.)

Well I think that the FTA's storing of explosives in their offices should
be a clear example of how concerned they were over the safety & welfair of
the rest of those sharing the building with them.

As far as the rest of the post all I can say is that I beleive that their
is a very special place in Hell for those in our government right next
those who let them gain control.

I woun't even discuss the place awaiting those who think what they do is a
"good thing" (Kent) as childern may inadvertantly read this post.

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William H. Geiger III  http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

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