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Re: key recovery vs data backup

On Mon, May 12, 1997 at 11:28:19AM +0200, Alan Barrett wrote:
> On Sun, 11 May 1997, Kent Crispin wrote:
> > In the multiple recipient case, therefore, the master 
> > key is potentially used quite frequently, and hence much more 
> > exposed.  There are many other differences: I won't try to go into 
> > detail here.
> Good point.
> I happen to think that using the master key to decrypt documents is better
> practice than using the master key to obtain copies of other keys, but I
> can see both sides of this argument.

Your secretary of many years changes her passphrase, then forgets it. 
She has literally thousands of documents encrypted under that key. 
You tell her "There was a memo I put out two years ago -- we
formulated a quote for them, and *I need that number*." So you call in
the company security officer to decrypt all those documents, which 
are filed in several different places?  Contrast this with just 
restoring the key.


> You are repeating your fallacy of assuming that the key safe (KS) case has
> one policy for all users and the multiple recipients (MR) case has
> different policies for different users.  The truth is that the two issues
> (which model to use, and how many different policies to make visible to
> the users' software) are orthogonal.  You can have KS with a different key
> safe for each user, and you can have MR with the same extra recipients for
> each user.

The models I have assumed are: KS -- a single keysafe and multiple 
clients; MR -- a single master key generating point, and multiple 
clients.  In the KS model all the clients talk to a single server, 
and there is no policy issue.  In the MR case, if there is a single 
master key there is no policy issue that impacts the clients, but if 
there are multiple master keys then different clients are configured 
differently, according to the policy, and that configuration is 
controlled centrally.

I confess that I hadn't considered the case of multiple keysafes in
the same organization -- and for very large organizations you might
want to do that.  But the whole point of a keysafe is that you
concentrate expense protecting the keysafe, and, in practice, it seems
to me, the boundaries between keysafe domains (to coin a term) would
be pretty well defined.  And, the only policy issue for KS clients is 
which keysafe to talk to.  This is pretty much fixed at installation 

> > Sigh.  The situations are really quite different.  In the KS
> > case the policy never impacts the software; in the MR case I don't 
> > think you can avoid it.
> Sigh.  The same fallacy again.
> In the KS case, the software must know which key safe to use and how to
> secure and authenticate access to the key safe.
> In the MR case, the software must know which extra recipients to add, and
> the corresponding public keys.
> In both cases, the software is affected to some minimum extent.  In both
> cases, you can choose to make the software more complex by adding more
> policy knowledge.  In neither case are you forced to add more than the
> minimum amount of policy information to the software.

You *could* design a system with multiple distributed keysafes, 
perhaps in an effort to minimize exposure, but I think this would be 
the worst of both worlds.

> > > > Access to the key-safe is critical, of course, but it can be made very
> > > > secure -- a special-purpose piece of hardware that requires passwords
> > > > from n out of m key czars before access is granted, for example.
> > > > Or the contents of the key safe can be encrypted via keys escrowed
> > > > through a secret sharing mechanism
> > > 
> > > The same problems and solutions apply in both the CAK case and in the
> > > "corporate key as extra crypto recipient" case.
> > 
> > Not at all. The corporate master key is used to decrypt documents in the 
> > MR case; in the KS case the master key is used to get to the key 
> > database.
> What I meant was, you can make n-of-m hardware stuff for both cases.
> Surely you don't disagree with that?

I don't disagree that you *could* do it.  I think it unlikely that you
would do it for the multiple recipient case.  I believe that in the MR
case the master key(s) (especially if there are multiple master keys)
would use exactly the same encryption algorithm as the normal
encryption case.  That is the obvious, straightforward way to do it. 
If you use another encryption algorithm for the master then you have a
whole raft of other problems to deal with.

And it would be crazy to require the presence of N people to decrypt 
any file with the master key -- consider the case of your secretary...

> > >   - With CAK, every time a user creates a new key, the user's software
> > >     needs to talk to teh key safe.  This needs a secure channel, which
> > >     raises further authentication problems (how does the user know that
> > >     he's not talking to a fake key safe).  These don't arise in the
> > >     non-CAK case.
> > 
> > Not so.  You have to exactly the same issue -- how does the user find 
> > out the master key to encrypt to?
> Finding out which key to encrypt to in the MR case is analagous to finding
> out which key safe to talk to in the KS case.  Securing and authenticating
> the channel to the key safe in the KS case is an extra issue that does not
> have a counterpart in the MR case.

??  How do you know that the channel through which you get the master 
key in the MR case is secure?  You surely don't just pull it off the 
net.  It's signed?  Then the problem just recurses -- how do you know 
the signature is good?  This is exactly the problem you have 
contacting the keysafe.

Kent Crispin				"No reason to get excited",
[email protected]			the thief he kindly spoke...
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