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Re: Spam IS Free Speech

________________________ R i c k   O s b o r n e ________________________
>you see what I am saying about a web page being a yellow 
>pages ad, right?

Oh yes, I agree.  I just don't agree that posting to usenet is asking for
spam.  I post to usenet to get valid responses to my questions (or to
respond myself), not find out what the latest get rich kwik scheme is.

>Please, a few megs between cyber-clients?  No harm no foul.  You get 
>more megs of crap just from this list!  I'd bet real money on that!

Very true.  *However*, imagine this scenario: I post to Usenet regularly
using a work email address.  I am allowed by the company to do this as long
as the post is work-related.  Some spammer snatches my email address and
starts to send me email about some "Hot-n-wet" 900 number.  The filters on
the corporate mail catch this and management thinks that I'm soliciting
these ads.  I get formally reprimanded for it, which goes on my permanent
record.  The spammers have just made a major dent in my career and if it
continues to happen, I could lose my job.  It doesn't matter to Management
that I didn't solicit these emails, they just know that its getting in my
inbox.  What am I supposed to do then?

>One Meg Per One Meg.  Equal and fair.

How big is an arp paket?  This could get interesting the next time someone
sends me an attachment.

Speaking of which, on a related note, am I allowed to spam-bomb MS Exchange
idiots who send RTF attachments with their email.  Now *that* could get
fun.  :)
_________ o s b o r n e @ g a t e w a y . g r u m m a n . c o m _________
"You're a security chief. Shouldn't you be out securing something?"