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Re: Just Say "No" to Congress

At 09:13 AM 5/14/97 -0800, Tim May wrote:
>Feinswine/Swinestein is the most despicable of all the politicians in
>Congress. (This is not just ideology speaking...her usual-ally Barbara
>Boxer is much less swinish, and even has some independent thoughts. I can't
>see I often agree with Boxer, but she's not the Big Sister automaton that
>Swinestein is.)

FYI, Boxer is now (as of 5/12/97) a cosponsor of Sen. Leahy's ECPA/1997
(Encrypted Communications  Privacy Act of 1997) - that's the bill with the
complex structure for "voluntary" key recovery and criminal penalties for
use of crypto  "in furtherance of" felony. 

Greg Broiles                | US crypto export control policy in a nutshell:
[email protected]         | 
http://www.io.com/~gbroiles | Export jobs, not crypto.