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Re: Reporting threshold for NY money transfers lowered

At 10:12 PM -0700 5/15/97, Lucky Green wrote:
>At 05:30 PM 5/15/97 -0700, Steve Schear wrote:
>>Smaller operators
>>could deposit the funds in their demand deposit accounts or sell to
>>Aggregators who would offer to take any CTR related heat.
>I believe the term is "smurfing".

I believe the proper term is jobber.  Don't help the gubbermint assign new
'biased' terms (mediaspeak) to those which are well established.


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Steve Schear              | tel: (702) 658-2654
CEO                       | fax: (702) 658-2673
First ECache Corporation  |
7075 West Gowan Road      |
Suite 2148                |
Las Vegas, NV 89129       | Internet: [email protected]

        I know not what instruments others may use,
         but as for me, give me Ecache or give me debt.