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BofA / Visa to test Cash Online

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Date:  Thu, 15 May 1997 12:42:56 -0400
From: "R. Jason Cronk" <[email protected]>
To: Multiple recipients of <[email protected]>
Subject:  BofA / Visa to test Cash Online

Bank of America, Visa To Test Cash Online

****Bank of America, Visa To Test Cash Online 05/15/97 SAN FRANCISCO,
CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1997 MAY 15 (NB) -- By Bill Pietrucha. Virtual cash -
backed by the real stuff, of course- is coming to the Internet. Bank of
America and Visa International said they will conduct a pilot test
ofstored-value chip card transaction on the Internet this summer,
essentially giving consumers and merchants an online equivalent to cash and
coins for small purchases.


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