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Secure payments on the Internet the focus of internationalconference June 19-20 in Washington
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Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 15:17:31 -0400
From: Debra Greenberg <[email protected]>
Organization: FBMA America Inc.
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: [email protected]
Subject: Secure payments on the Internet the focus of international
conference June 19-20 in Washington
X-URL: http://www.shipwright.com/#contact
Hello, Mr. Hettinga -- I'm a fairly recent fan of e$, having learned
about it only a month ago.
Aware as I am of the rules of Netiquette, I was hoping for your advice
or assistance regarding how I might let other readers know about an
important conference coming up June 19-20 in Washington on the subject
of secure payments and the Internet.
Sponsored by Digital Equipment Corp., Hitachi, CyberCash and VeriFone,
the conference will address payment systems, security issues, digital
signatures and certification authorities, regulatory issues, standards
development, emerging technologies, and other topics.
Keynote speakers include Ira C. Magaziner, Senior Advisor to the
President for Policy Development; William Melton, CEO, CyberCash; and
Frank V. Cahouet, CEO, Mellon Bank, among others.
In addition to discussions on electronic purse, chip cards,
micropayments, credit cards on the Internet and other payment
systems, and in addition to progress reports on BIPS, NetBill,
Integrion, Mondex and other high-profile rollouts, the conference will
feature discussions on:
-taxation of Internet commerce (Karl Frieden, Arther Andersen / Walter
Nagel, MCI Communications)
-risk management in business-to-business bill payments on the Internet
(Anne Friedman, Chase Manhattan / Sandra Runyon, Southwestern Bell /
Scott Smith, Jupiter Communications
-establishing trust in electronic transactions (Lori Fena, Exec.
Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation)
- the US Postal Service's electronic postmarking and CA initiative
- proposed changes to the ACH network to support Internet payments
In all, there will be about 40 presentations.
The CyberPayments 97 conference (which is accompanied by an exposition
titled "i-Money" takes place June 19-20 at the Sheraton Washington Hotel
and is organized by the National Automated Clearing House Association,
which is actively involved in promoting all types of payment systems,
including Internet payments.
A full conference brochure can be found at www.nacha.org
I hope you'll find the conference interesting enough to share with your
Thank you in advance for your consideration of this information.
Debra Greenberg
Managing Director
FBMA America Inc. (on behalf of the National Automated Clearing House
[email protected]
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Robert Hettinga ([email protected]), Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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