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Sunday, May 18, 1997 - 20:46:37 MET

Our form of gov't is based on the Judeo-Christian rooted belief in 
unalienable rights. (though the concepts has been around long befor 
judaism) These are rights endowed upon us by the life force, they are 
inherent in our  creation and are subject only to the laws of the 
universe not by any king, or human leader, and so they cannot be 
taken away by or infringed on by any human leader or groups.

The whole of the physical universe is bound by laws we do not make 
but can only seek to understand. Tuning in and acting in harmony with 
the laws of the universe furthers us in our development( ie 
agriculture).  Exploiting the laws greedily leads to our 
destruction.(ie thoughtless industrialization). Furthering 
nature/the life force is good, opposing nature, seeking to conquer 
and exploit it, is  bad from our human perspective.

The constitution and bill of rights was the original AP document with 
a series of checks and balance designed to keep  ultimate power, 
the right to speak out, organise, gather together, rise up and bear 
arms, in the hands of the people so no one group could impose the 
tyranny of their beliefs and the masses. I believe it is human nature 
to cast off the bonds of oppression. This is the assertion of the 
life force that always seeks to sustain and perpetuate itself in the
greatest possible array of diversity.

I believe this was a major quantum leap in the history of  human 
thought and concioussness. A giant step in the right direction of our 
true divinity but it was sorely flawed; By the concept of property 
rights. This is where the founding fathers eogos got in the way. 

The liberation movements of the last century have been based on the 
same concept of unalienable rights and have attempted to fine tune 
the document for  a more equitable distribution of planet power to 
correct the flaw.

You don't need a weatherman or a clinton to know which way the wind
blows. You don't need to be literate to know who is taking what from
whom. You don't need a judge to tell you right from wrong. you have 
instincts that can tell you just fine. 

Religion in the earliest sense was the bringing together of the group 
in an understanding of their commonanlity and uniqueness in a way 
that  stirred up ones feelings of awe for the power of the universe 
in order that we would discover our commonality while at the same 
time instilling a repect for each of our uniqness. So we could be 
inspired to submit to our inner and outer natures and act in harmony 
with it and show benevolence in our relations with each other. This 
is the ultimate anarchist, a ninja warrior of natures rainbow, who 
fights to defend the unalienable rights endowed on all by life force.

I believe that most of the folks on this list aspire to a form of 
self govt. A belief and trust in the anarchy of nature tempered with 
the benevloence brought about by the recognition of our common 
humanity. A state of affairs where each is a ninja/captain of their 
own soul.  Who recognize the inhernet rights of all and act 
accordingly without coercion or direction from an outside source, for 
the laws of the universe are within us. Who respect the rights of the 
individual and can let them that would destroy themselves destroy, 
themselves and them that would live to live. To live and let live and 
live and let die.

I believe the network is the link to the next level of evolution of 
human thought and self gov't. A new religion where we can rediscover 
our common humanity and regroup as a planet, as the one human tribe.  
A way to explore our comon roots and learn and develop appreciation 
and respect for our differences. Where in spite of all efforts to propagandize 
and spread hate our commanality will emerge. Where all voices can be 
heard and equitable solutions worked out. Not by "sheeple" but by 
people allowing their primal natural instincts to govern their 
actions to be it to  shun, support or defend or defeat someone or 

We are retaking repsonsibility for our selves and our fellow humans. 

Again, you don't need a Weatherman or an FBI man to know which way 
the wind blows. Look outside your window then look inside your 

Rainbow Warrior