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Re: Jim Bell goes to Jail!

Alan Olsen <[email protected]> writes:

 > IRS agents arrest Vancouver man who called for killing
 > federal workers

As I recall, Bell never called for anyone to be killed. He merely
suggested that the construction of anonymous wagering pools would
faciliate a market in the disposal of tyrants.

 > Federal agents since have focused on a Bell theory that
 > carbon fibers could be used to sabotage computer hard
 > drives, thus disabling them.  East confirmed Bell's interest
 > in using carbon fibers as a "computer killer" but dismissed
 > it as a "goofball idea."

I thought microscopic amounts of airborne silicone were the
preferred method of causing large numbers of drives to
mysteriously fail.

I can't imagine how one would get the carbon fiber into the
interior of the drive.

 > The search warrant for East's home shows that the
 > government also is interested in determining whether Bell
 > and others have experimented with volatile chemicals in
 > preparation for attacks on IRS offices and agents.

The government is only lending credibility to Bell's paranoia by
behaving like jackbooted thugs.

Is this federal agent Bell is supposed to have interfered with
one of the agents who arrested him?  Sounds like fabrication from
whole cloth to me.

     Mike Duvos         $    PGP 2.6 Public Key available     $
     [email protected]     $    via Finger.                      $