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Re: The USA is the world's biggest terrorist state
Tim may wrote:
>[much over-the-top exaggeration of the eevull you-ess gubmint
> deleted, then he gets personal:]
> I noticed with interest this morning that Peter Trei had an interesting
> thought experiment for implementing a variant of assassination politics.
> Interesting because not much more than a week or two ago Peter was making
> the point that I seemed to have gone off the deep end, or at least was no
> longer writing "thoughtful" essays and/or was not focussing on what he
> wanted to read about (a hopeless task, of course, to tune one's writings to
> the interests of others).
> Peter has now thrown in with the "let's see how AP might work." His
> variant, "Who do we want to see hit with a bus?," is of course essentially
> identical to AP.
No, it is not. The above paragraph totally misconstrues what I posted,
and I am (again) putting it into the record with this post that I
oppose all forms of premeditated killing.
What I posted was an idea for a POLL, nothing more. There was no
suggestion that of any kind of action or incentive - no advocacy
of murder, no anonymous cash, no payoffs, nothing. This is NOT
'implementing a variant of assassination politics', and I take
strong exception to your implication that I would support such
a thing.
I really hate it when you misread, misconstrue, and misquote
other people. You really seem to have a very tenuous love of truth
and accuracy when falsehood will serve your purpose better (if
you think that sounds like the tactics of a certain large
organization you dislike, you're right.)
Let's take just one paragraph from your latest screed. Can you back
up all or even most of the points in it? I don't think so. You wrote:
>The United States of America is the world's leading terrorist state.
Matter of opinion. I suspect that Libya, Iraq, and Iran are better
candidates. If you include internal terrorism, add China, North
Korea, and many others ahead of the US.
>From mining harbors in countries with democratically elected
I've got only a quibble with this one. We did mine Managua, ie one
harbor in one country. While this was clearly unacceptable behaviour,
it does demonstrate your tendency to play fast and loose with
>...to financing the blowing up of airliners by dissident
Really? Which ones? Be specific. Which airlines, which flights?
What were the circumstances in each case? You're using plurals
again, so you'd better have multiple instances.
>...to assassinating dozens of leaders of countries the USA wished
>to shape in different directions, the USA is Terror State Numero Uno.
Dozens? As in 12+? Again, which ones? When? Any since the (Carter?)
exec order forbidding attacks against heads of state?
Tim, can you back up your words with facts, or are your recent
posts "... full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."?
There are sufficient *real* problems with US policy that
your exaggerations are counter-productive.
Peter Trei
Disclaimer: My posts represent my own opinions, no one elses.