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Re: Wine Politics Again!


    attila sez:

    as to trivializing tim may as to wine and for his comment below on 
    OKC, if the gubmit becomes a terrorist state (and who is to deny 
    that it is not, and has not been this century), then the terrorist 
    much expect retaliation.  

    The US in this century, at one point or another in time, has 
    destabilized 90%+ of the world governments, including the Labour
    Party in GB prior to Iron Maggie's rule (and if you want names of 
    the phony US Dept of State consular employees involved, a pointer 
    can be provided).

    turnabout will be increasingly fairplay.  certainly not by me --too 
    old and far too disinterested to waste energy on a foolish
    self-perpetuating fraud when the majority of ignorance prefers
    security over freedom.

    as for McVeigh: either there were a whole group of people involved 
    to be able to satchel the building columns, or the government was 
    the driving force.  and why was the *entire* ATF staff elsewhere?  

    OKC came at a perfect time to help Clintons' drive to push 
    anti-terrorist legislation to deny personal freedoms "...for the 
    common good."  draw your own conclusions; it's only history 
    repeating itself --noone listened the first couple hundred times.

    as for the great fairweather liberal bigot Blanc's passing it off 
    as tcm's drunken ramblings, I doubt it.  war is hell, and 
    "innocents" get wasted --but, a society at war has no innocents.  
    blow 'em all away.  scorched earth is inadequate; burnt earth is 
    more effective. if there are no prisoners, there are no 


on or about 970510:0906 [email protected] (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM) expostulated:

+Blanc <[email protected]> writes:

+[Quoting Timmy May]
+> >Every day that passes, I'm more convinced that McVeigh did the right thing.
+> >Some innocents died, but, hey, war is hell. Broken eggs and all that.
+> Timothy must be drunk; I can't believe he said this.   Because he wouldn't
+> spend so much time writing sensible things of Truth & Light, if he thought
+> the better thing to do for achieving libertarian values was to kill so
+> indiscriminately with a bomb.    After all, he subscribes to utmost
+> discrimination.   So I think right now he's less in the engagement of
+> Reason and more under the influence of maybe some Bud Light.

+Everybody in that building was somehow affiliated with the gubmint.

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Charset: latin1
Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be
