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Re: attila the hun (was Re: Wine Politics Again!)
On Wed, May 21, 1997 at 02:41:57PM -0700, Huge Cajones Remailer wrote:
> I don't have a problem with the opinions or points of view that
> Kent expresses on the cypherpunks list, but I do have a problem
> with the fact that his posts seem to reflect a pre-programmed
> world-view, with little thought given to the actual content and
> concepts expressed by those he is replying to.
> I find Kent's posts to be much like the ASCII art that is posted
> to the list--each post is slightly different, but predictable. The
> aspersions that Kent casts on those such as Attila and Tim serve
> no purpose other than to accentuate the fact that he is envious
> of their propensity for dealing on a real-world level with the
> concepts he addresses from an intellectual ivory tower.
> Kent's posts reflect, in my opinion, what he has "learned to
> believe." When I read Kent's posts, I don't feel like I learn
> who he is, but rather, I learn the "position" that he is taking
> on this or that point.
> Real name/anonymity aside, I see Attila as real and Kent as a
> shadowy figure. My advice to Kent would be, "If you're going to
> be an asshole, at least be a _real_ asshole."
> Once we form an "opinion" of _who_ somebody is and _what_they_
> believe_, and _who_they_are_, then we "interpret" what they
> have to say in their posts in accordance with our learned
> perception of them.
Boy, ain't that the truth. Witness what you wrote above.
> I am:
> TruthMonger # -96
Kent Crispin "No reason to get excited",
[email protected] the thief he kindly spoke...
PGP fingerprint: B1 8B 72 ED 55 21 5E 44 61 F4 58 0F 72 10 65 55