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Re: The Natives Are Getting Restless

Friday, May 23, 1997 - 16:33:14 MET

It has been said that the greatest lesson learned from the vietnam 
war by the military industrial complex, was the need for effective 
disinformation and its role in dividing groups that would otherwise 
hang together against a common enemy.

Applied to the home front this translated into "identity" politics. 
To break up the antiwar and youth movements of the 60s, everyone 
was defined as a minority with their own agenda and lexicon. 
Feminists, Vanishing White male,  Black Power advocates, 
Gays/Lesbians,  christian peaceniks, hispanic farm workers, etc each 
was pitted against the other by underscoring their departure points 
in a machevelian plan to divide and conquer those that had united 
against the war and the MIC.

For the most part this has been extremely 
successful and any meaningful dialogue on a national scale has long 
been next to impossible because of it.

List members should be the first to rise above the base tactics of 
the enemy. We need to develop a language of inclusion that unites all 
of these seemingly disparate peoples against the common enemy.

> Blanc wrote:
> > If this society is at war, it is a Civil War, fighting against itself.   In
> > fact, there are many groups fighting against each other, on many different
> > levels:  racial, gender-based, religious, economic, philosophical, not to
> > leave out political.    Companies are fighting each other "tooth & nail"
> > for survival in marketing turfs, races are still exchanging vicious barbs,
> > homosexuals are under verbal & physical attack by the socially "normed",
> > the poor still envy & disparage the rich, women & children seem more than
> > ever to be at risk to attacks from roving sex perverts, the liberals would
> > love to put the libertarians under, religious groups lecture against the
> > moral depravity of all those "other" people, and half the country is either
> > stocking up for a National Disaster or forming into militia groups or other
> > Think Tanks to fight some sort of government encroachment (even the health
> > food stores where I shop are always posting sign-up sheets to vote against
> > something or another the government wants to ban or some right-of-choice
> > that is being threatened by proposed legislation).
>  Second only to Miss Piggy among deep thinkers, Mrs.
> Wiggs, the one with the cabbage patch, said this: "In the
> mud and scum of things ... Something always always
> sings."
>   I am grateful that there is at least one female on the list who
> is capable of stepping into the middle of the "Dick Wars" on the
> list and reminding the men that the "targets" they talk about have 
> names, faces, and children.
>   I am aware that there is a human cost inherent in every conflict,
> and I accept that it will always be so, but I cannot accept the
> idea that one can leave their conscience clear by "criminalizing"
> their target and discounting their target's humanity.
>   I am an anarchist and a realist. If I had a button that would
> nuke D.C., I might well push it--but I am also a thinking, feeling
> human, and I would cry a river of tears, as well. When I estimate
> a "body count", I never fail to count the children.
>   Blanc's aim is true when she speaks of the growth of reactionary
> posts to the list which fail to include a foundation of creative
> thought. 
>   Anyone can return fire when attacked and turn the situation into
> a firefight where a random volley of ammo decides the outcome of
> the battle. However, a good squad leader already has his defences
> in place to deal rationally with situations that can easily be
> forseen before they arise.
>   When "they" come for your neighbor today, will you be surprised
> when they come for _you_ tomorrow? When I first heard of Jim Bell's
> arrest I began composing a reply to Hallam-Baker's coming post. It
> may be vocal and emotionally charged, but it is not done solely
> out of blind reactionism.
>   God bless Blanc.
> TruthMonger -96